About Me

CSE UnderGrad | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Computer Vision

Hi, I'm Kunal

I'm Kunal Mahatha. Currently a Computer Science Undergraduate in the freshman year at BIT Sindri. I am a Machine Learning and Computer Vision Enthusiast, and I love to do hands-on projects and solve real-life problems with the knowledge I have acquired, and learn in order to build something


Machine Learning - Stanford Online

Neural Network and Deep Learning - deeplearning.ai

Structuring Machine Learning Algorithms - deeplearning.ai

Convolutional Neural Networks - deeplearning.ai

What I’m good at?

"Testing leads to failure, and failure leads to understanding." - Burt Rutan


Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Computer Vision

My Work (Projects)

One can develop his skills only with more and more practice.So, these are some of the projects that I have worked on to enhance my skills...

Age Detection in Real-time

Developed an age classifier, which classifies people into two groups, 18+(Adults), and 18-(Minors), and restricting the minors to watch age-restricted content on OTT platforms

Face Mask Recognition in Real-time with Camera

Developed a Mask Detector, to ensure people that they are wearing masks in public places like Malls, Parks, and restricting if they are not

COVID-19 Detection Using Chest X-Ray Images

Developed a COVID-19 detector, which classifies between COVID-19 Positive and Negative People

Facial Recognition

Developed a Face detection module, which classifies people and can be used for automatic biometric attendance

Forest Fire Detection

Developed a model for detection of fire to prevent catastrophe

Handwritten Digit Recognizer

Developed a handwriting recognition model made to help children to write and improve handwriting in an interactive and interesting way

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